Academic Standards

All assignments must utilize the rules of correct grammar and syntax, which is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in language, spelling, and capitalization. Please do not plagiarize by using someone’s writings as your own; always give them credit for their ideas, i.e., “according to Bob Sorge in his book, Exploring Worship, ‘Praise and worship are mutually cooperative activities and are frequently very similar in the way they are outwardly expressed, but they are not one and the same.”’
We recommend that you download the free Grammarly AP. It will correct all of your mistakes and check for plagiarism. Since this is a Christian school, students must not steal others’ ideas and writings and claim them as their own! If this is discovered while reading the writing, students will be automatically dropped from the program, and no money will be refunded.
Please include your references in your bibliography as follows:


All references and resources must be listed in alphabetical order.

  • Appleby, David P., History of Church Music, Moody Press, Chicago, 1965